
Atharva Kiran Chaudhari

Hi, I am Atharva

Full-Stack Developer | Problem Solver | Code Enthusiast

About Me

I am Atharva Chaudhari currently pursuing a BTech degree in CS at PCCOE-Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering, Pune. A Frontend Developer and an Open Source Enthusiast.


  • Pune, Maharashtra
  • CBSE
  • Percentage: 91.2
  • 2007-2018
  • Pune, Maharashtra
  • HSC
  • Percentage: 86.6
  • 2018-2020
  • Pune, Maharashtra
  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
  • Percentage: 80.75
  • 2021-2024


Technical skills

  • C/C++
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • HTML | CSS | JS | ReactJs
  • basics of PHP
  • WordPress
  • Streamlit

Soft skills

  • Confident
  • Hard Working
  • professional speaking
  • problem solving abilities
  • Learning Attitude
  • Multi-tasking


Bus Reservation System

It is simple project coded in C++ which can used to facilitate the bus-ticket booking process using object oriented programming (OOP) concepts like inheritance, file handling, classes, objects etc.

Bodhitree 2.0 Website

A dynamic website showcasing an e learning platform (Bodhitree 2.0). TECHNOLOGIES USED: Front end: Html, CSS , along with Bootstrap for designing purpose Backend: done in PHP Database: MySQL database Done using the xampp server

Movie-Mingle Application

This project showcases a dynamic and interactive movie recommendation application built using the Streamlit framework. The system leverages the TMDB (The Movie Database) datasets, tmdb_5000_movies and tmdb_5000_credits, available on Kaggle, to provide users with personalized movie recommendations based on their input.

Daily Gazette News App

DailyGazette is a React News web application that allows users to browse and read the latest news articles from various sources. It is built using ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and utilizes the NewsAPI to fetch news data.

Diner-Dash Website

Diner Dash is a static web page featuring an Online food ordering website. It is designed using HTML, CSS and bootstap-4. I have made use of mid journey AI tool which generates unique images from text description.

Two in one Game

This project consists of two games: Tic-Tac-Toe and Rock-paper-scissors. It is coded in C language.

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